Membership Application Checklist
The application process is not complete unless it includes all of the following documentations:
A completed Membership Application
ACTIVE DUTY Applications:
Photocopy of Drivers License
Current LES- (conceal SSN )
Photocopy of your driver's license
Proof of your military service: (conceal SSN/Benefits Number prior to submitting) :
DD214 /NGB22 Military discharge certificate
It is also a requirement that you provide:
A paragraph not exceeding 1 page detailing how you intend to help accomplish Phi Gamma Phi Military Fraternity's mission of "Strength, Wisdom, Chivalry, and Humility"
Signature on Non-hazing & Privacy Policy
You may contact our Membership Coordinator at contacts@phigammaphimilitaryfraternity.org with any questions regarding Fraternity membership to inquire about other acceptable proof of military service documents. Copies of paperwork submitted (DD214 copies, etc.) will not be returned.